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日期:[2019-12-19 14:35:31]   共阅[1537]次


We will advance new urbanization. We will continue to stimulate the development of city clusters through the development of leading cities. We will make more progress in granting permanent urban residency to people who have moved to cities from the countryside and work toward making basic urban public services cover all permanent urban residents. We will better address people’s housing needs, require local governments to shoulder primary responsibility, reform and improve housing market and support systems, and sustain the steady and healthy development of real estate markets. We will continue to build government subsidized housing and rebuild rundown urban areas to meet the basic housing needs of disadvantaged groups.


We will continue to improve underground utility tunnels. Old residential areas in cities are large in both number and area. We will make a big push toward their regeneration, update their roads, water, power, and gas supplies and other supporting infrastructure; support the installation of elevators and the development of barrier-free environments; and improve amenities like markets, convenience stores, pedestrian streets, and parking lots. New urbanization should be people-centered in every respect: we need to be better at conducting flexible governance and providing thoughtfully-designed services to make our cities more livable and give them a more inclusive and welcoming feel.


We will strengthen pollution prevention and control, enhance ecological improvement, and make big advances in green development.Green development is a critical element of modernizing an economy; it is also a fundamental solution to pollution. We will reform and refine relevant systems, and pursue both high-quality development and environmental protection.



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