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日期:[2019-12-12 9:32:05]   共阅[1479]次


We will improve the assessment mechanisms for advances in science and technology.


We will work to ensure that measures to reform science and technology management systems are fully implemented, and must not allow reform policies to become hollow promises.


 We will work hard to cut red tape to enable researchers to concentrate on the pursuit of learning, innovation, and breakthroughs.


We will strengthen research ethics, improve academic practice, take disciplinary action against academic misconduct, and guard firmly against rash action.


China has the largest pool of scientific and technological personnel in the world. If we foster a healthy research environment, we’ll be sure to see brilliant and capable people emerge in all fields and create a boundless stream of innovations.


We will do more to encourage startups and innovation nationwide.


We will encourage more private actors to engage in innovation and start businesses, expand the space for economic and social development, strengthen comprehensive services, and give play to the path-finding role of innovation and entrepreneurship demo centers.


We will strengthen inclusive support for innovation and business startups, and implement preferential tax policies such as raising the VAT threshold from 30,000 to 100,000 yuan in monthly sales for small-scale taxpayers.


We will reform and improve financial support mechanisms, establish a science and technology innovation board that will pilot an IPO registration system, encourage the issuing of special bonds for innovation and entrepreneurship, expand the use of intellectual property pledge financing, and support the growth of venture capital investment.


We will reform and improve mechanisms for training, employing, and evaluating capable people and provide better services for students returning from overseas and foreign professionals.


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