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日期:[2019-12-17 9:55:52]   共阅[1503]次


We will strengthen farmland irrigation and water conservancy, and increase the area of high-standard cropland by no less than 5.33 million hectares.


We will ensure that the production of hogs and other types of livestock, and poultry, remains stable, and strengthen the prevention and control of epidemics and diseases like African swine fever.


 We will speed up reform and innovation in agricultural technologies, make a big push to develop a modern seed industry, step up efforts to encourage the widespread use of advanced practical technologies, implement programs to protect agricultural products with geographical indications, and advance the mechanization of entire agricultural production processes.


We will foster new types of agricultural businesses such as family farms and farmer cooperatives, improve commercial services catering to small agricultural households, and develop a diverse range of large-scale agricultural operations. We will support major agricultural production areas in developing intensive farm product processing.


We will provide support to people who are returning or moving to the countryside to start businesses or pursue innovations, promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and strengthen county economies.


Income from non-agricultural work plays a big part in increasing rural incomes


We must address at the root wage arrears owed to rural migrant workers, act fast to draw up government regulations specifically with this aim, and make sure that our hard-working rural migrant workers get the pay they have earned on time.





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