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日期:[2019-12-16 11:09:47]   共阅[1567]次


The eradication of poverty and achievement of prosperity cannot happen without the support of industries.


We will do more to support impoverished areas in developing businesses that leverage local strengths. We will launch an initiative to address school dropout rates and ensure attendance,and achieve clear reductions in rural student dropout rates in poor areas.


We will continue to increase the size of special enrollment quotas at key universities for students from rural and poor areas, and make full use of the fundamental role of education in stopping poverty from being passed on to the next generation.


We will move toward completion of the 13th Five-Year Plan’s construction tasks for planned relocations of poor populations from inhospitable areas, and strengthen follow-up support.


Support policies that apply to counties and populations that have recently been lifted out of poverty will be maintained for a period to consolidate progress in poverty alleviation.


We will improve evaluation and oversight, and ensure that the results of special inspections on poverty alleviation by central government inspection teams serve their intended purpose. The further we get in the crucial stage of the fight, the greater the need, in every aspect of our work, to tackle real problems with attention paid to details, to be certain to deliver substantive, sustainable outcomes that stand the test of time.


We will improve agriculture, particularly grain production.


We must ensure, through our own efforts, the grain supply for almost 1.4 billion Chinese people.


 To this end, we will keep grain output stable and optimize the mix of crop varieties.


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